Wednesday, January 12, 2005

And about fratguy from the New Year's Eve party

In case you're wondering about what happened to "fratguy" who I met at the New Year's Eve party, I'm going out on my first date with him on Saturday. Whee!!


Staunch Moderate said...

Poor guy. He's going to have every fault and misstep from the date appear on this blog. This is why I never date celebrities (well, that's one of the reasons why).

Libertarian Girl said...

I'm flattered that someone thinks I'm a celebrity.

Libertarian Girl said...

I really think you guys are exaggerating how well my blog is doing. I only have 300 hits a day, and that's a real tiny number of people. Most of the hits probably come from people who find the blog by accident and don't even read anything.

There's no way I'm any kind of celebrity.

Brian Macker said...

"Poor guy. He's going to have every fault and misstep from the date appear on this blog."

You were right on the money there, and it's not pretty.