Thursday, December 30, 2004

Is the U.S. stingy with tsunami aid? Who cares.

I agree with the post at Hammer of Truth. American taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for Tsunami relief. It's not our responsibility to help those who refuse to help themselves. The reason why the countries hurt by the tsunami are too poor to afford their own tsunami relief is because their governments are corrupt and they don't allow free markets to flourish and create wealth. Sri Lanka especially is considered one of the most corrupt governments in the world.

The United States, which today has the biggest budget deficit ever in our country's history, already spends billions of dollars more on foreign aid than we should.


Johanna och Andreas said...

Being a libertarian does not mean being without a heart. It is not the corrupt governments and institutions that are suffering right now but the poor people on the streets. And they may have a responsibility in putting the regimes there, but right now who cares. Go there and tell them face to face your stupid ideas instead of insulting us reading your blog with your heartless thoughts. I am a libertrian that gives money to people in need, and I dont waste my or others intellect by thinking twice about it.

Bruce said...

Well, Day #2 in the blogosphere and someone's already called you heartless, and your ideas stupid.

You might just make it here.

Publicola said...

Having a heart does not mean you force other people to act as you think they should. Miss LG simply said that it's wrong to force people through taxation to provide money for others in need; that does not mean she is against people voluntarily giving aid.

here are two things to look at that might help explain what the truly heartless approach is:

Republican Liberty Caucus: What We Believe by Rob Booth Mostly Cajun posts a speech gave by Rep. David CrocketLG,
Working for the gub'mint in D.C.? Talk about the belly of the beast. :) Interesting site so far; I look forward to seeing what you produce. Welcome to the blogosphere.

Henry said...

I'm jealous. You already have commenters and a readership on your 2nd day. The only people who read me, is well, me.

I finally got some random person, but I hate it when people post anonymously without leaving a name.

ivanpope said...

India has a policy of not accepting overseas aid for any disasters. They have dispatched aid to Sri Lanka from their own resources.
Generally, when you find a country suffers relatively huge disaster, it can be hard for that country whatever it's wealth or corruption to deal with the situation on its own.
And I seem to remember that the world rallied to the US after 9/11.

VM Weber said...

Thailand as well as India don't accept donations from foreign governments. Although most of the countries in this region do need expertise help in handling the situation subsequent to the disaster. As an Indian, I do agree people in general shouldn't be forced to help the people in distress. Ideally, all these countries must be left to fend themeselves. But if you look at the region of Aceh that could be asking too much.

Big Gav said...

Could you please change your name to "NeoConservative Girl" or "Republican Girl" or "Freeper Girl" ?

You are giving Libertarians a bad name with comments like this...

Big Gav said...

Anyone who thinks we're stingy please prove me wrong, show me one country that has given more in combined private and federal donations or done as much to provide assistance as we have. Doubt it will happen though.Australia has. And it has less than 10% of your population.

I suspect Sweden has given a lot more per capita as well - why don't you post some rankings (I'm sure the UN can provide some) to prove your point next time instead of just making stuff up ?

Norak said...

Libertarians believe people should give money privately instead of government giving money.

Libertarianism doesn't believe that innocent civilians should die because they are unable to reform their corrupt governments. Libertarianism is not anarchism.

First you blame the citizens in developing countries beause they have corurpt government, saying they deserve to die because of this. Then you critize your own gvoernment for giving foreign aid, which you claim is corrupt. Therefore, shouldn't you believe you deserve to die?

"I agree. It is funny how these people hate America and then come running to us for money when a disaster hits. "

Who says Sri Lankans hate Americans?