When I first met him, I called him fratguy because even though he's out of college he still had a sort of fraternity guy behavior about him. But once you get him away from a party with beer, he's less fratguy and more preppyguy trying to become yuppieguy. And yes, he went to an Ivy League college but I don't think he's all that bright. He probably got in with the minimum SAT scores, helped by his father being an alumni and his skill at playing lacrosse. Remember, the Ivy League schools aren't looking for the brightest students but the students most likely to be future leaders! He's probably working for a congressman in DC because his grades weren't high enough to get a job in investment banking (he says he's interested in politics), and his parents probably give him money to support his lifestyle. He says he applied to law school and is waiting to see where he's accepted.
He did talk about his work a lot, which normally is a big faux pas, but it's something I encouraged because I'm genuinely interested in hearing about what really goes on behind the scenes on Capitol Hill. (But if you have a boring job like computer programming, please don't tell me about it, I don't want to know!)
He has a cockiness about him that says "hey I'm God's gift to women," which I find to be simultaneously annoying and endearing. Of course he was eager to get me to go back to his apartment with him, and I decided to accept the invitation. His apartment is his biggest character flaw, it looks more like a college dorm room than living quarters for an adult. Yuck!
He's really good after hours, I can tell that he's had quite a bit of experience in the bedroom. This was probably just a one night thing, in a long term boyfriend I was hoping to find someone really intelligent and he's not. But it wasn't a bad one night thing.
I shouldn't really bring politics into this, but it's kind of hypocritical how he works for a conservative "pro-life" "family values" Christian congressman (not that I ever heard of the guy before, I looked him up on the internet), but he's all into having casual sex. Do the congressman's voters know what kind of un-Christian morals his staff has?
Heh. I guess you're going the Wonkette route. Good luck with that.
I don't suppose you've ever hear of the phrase "I don't kiss and tell"? There are reasons why people follow that principle. The least of which is that you are not likely to get new dates if you chronicle your prior ones on your blog. At least not with the type of guy you'd want to marry at some point in the future.
Your first posts on the subject of marriage seemed sweet as I assumed you were trying to work this mystery out for yourself, abet in public. However things became more mean spirited. I would stop worrying about whether your job choice or IQ are going to "condemn me to not getting married" and start worrying about your public behavior.
I'm not your dad but you might consult him on this. This kind of post isn't exactly in your enlightened self interest.
I thought I would be agreeing much more with someone who posts as libertariangirl. I'm delinking you because this is beginning to feel like a voyeuristic blog instead of a political one. Not to meantion I haven't agreed with many post. I thought it was neat to find a female libertarian to link to when I saw your first post. However now I think I am going to need to find a link by libertarianwoman and not girl.
I suggest you remove the entire post ASAP. Don't be surprised by nasty comments. Seems like you want to cultivate enemies and then give them the means to destroy you.
PS. I am not talking about myself.
Yeah LG, I will have to agree with some of these posts, tho I wouldn't resort to calling you viscious names.
I was hoping that this site would be a great blog to point my readers to for an honest counter opinion.
But that's different than pointing my readers to a woman with no dignity or self respect.
No, no, she's got readers because of that huge picture of her up in the top right corner. I myself come here out of the whole "car accident" curiosity. I read somewhere that, to put it lightly, there was a blogger who thought she was libertarian, but actually didn't know she wasn't, posting as "Libertarian Girl." Since visiting this blog I haven't been able to make heads or tails of her politics.
I mean, at least Ann Coulter knows what she's talking about.
By the way, software engineers kick all manner of ass. It's only the people too dense to appreciate what we do who "don't want to hear about it." Too high level for you? Ok.
I'm not an expert on libertarianism or anything, but I hadn't realized that being a libertarian required vows of celibacy. Which is what one might conclude from some of the comments here. Guess it's just my ignorance..
Hey I linked to you, because of your political views. I don't want my readers to click on the link and think I'm some sort of pervert. We democrats had enough smut with Bill Clinton in the White House. Consider yourself on probation.
The New Democrat
Atlas Shrugged is the second most influential book in the US after the Bible.Both rather trite fiction, IMO. I'd say that there's probably plenty better (and more influential) fiction than Ayn Rand's work. Think of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Hemingway, Mailer, Dubya, etc.
Fucking skank. You'd think there was one intelligent woman with priorities above slutting herself to cocky jerks.
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