Saturday, January 08, 2005

I am evil

That's what this guy says about me. And he devoted hundreds of words to ranting about how evil I am too.


Adam Lawson said...

I'm not entirely sure how to respond to this. I was going to disagree with some of his lamer points in a reply to his post, until I got to the end. "I will no longer talk to libertarians." Well, crud. There goes that.

He's wrong about the steroid abusers comment. It would still be perfectly fine for the NBA/NFL/NHL/MBA to regulate what their employees do under a libertarian system.

I'd forgotten how badass Tim Curry looked as Satan until I saw his post. According to Michael Williams, 155,000 people die every day. Why should tsunami victims be any different?

Anyway, I don't have much else to say about this. I read some of the comments and felt like I was at DU. One guy took a dissenting viewpoint and was just mauled by like three rabid moonbats. So much for open debate about issues. Instead, someone without their picture up photoshops someone who has the guts to have their picture up into Tim Curry playing Darkness(aka Satan), some bald guy, and what looks like a GI Joe.

My main problem with them is that they're assuming libertarians are any more nutty than liberals, and places like DU prove this isn't true. There are no psychotic libertarian sites where people wish death on people (like DUers wish death on our troops and Bush voters).

Micah said...
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Micah said...

There are worse people to be equated to than G. Gordon Liddy.

Don't let the bastards get you down.

Old Blind Dog said...

Liberals always go out of their way to make sure everone knows that their developement was arrested at the age of 13.

Bowly said...

No, Socialism is evil.

soulpole66 said...

Eh, moe-rons abound.

Don't sweat it.

Unknown said...

You're not evil, and you're exactly right. It isn't our government's responsibility to spend our money to support disaster victims. It is our personal responsibility.

This is what people don't understand about Libertarianism. I am not greedy; I simply want my personal rights to determine where and how my money is spent. I don't expect the US Government to make that decision for me. In the specific case of the tsunami disaster, I'd prefer to give directly to a private charity who supports disaster victims rather than just know that GWB has decided to give my money for me.